
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hey hey hey fellow addicts! I am SO sorry for not keeping up with things. Between school kids and hit by the recession of having NO job it kinda kills ya spirits a bit! To God be the glory though, b/c I still have my health and well being and my kids are doing well. Anyway, I will be closing down this blog though. School is starting to REALLY kick my butt and I don't have the time or heart right now to at least keep you guys up to date on the make up scene like I used to.


I will be starting a new blog site that'll just keep up with the er'day things and thoughts I have when it comes to mind. My personal site Nessa-Ness will be up and running shortly. I'm gonna try to see if I can either get back on my PSP game and get a layout set up for someone to make it for me, lol. Looks like option 2 might be the better option for me.

Anyway, I love you all addicts and click the link if you guys care enough to pry into my reality! LOL!


1 comment:

Gel-Nails said...

Good advice in your blog. Thanks a lot.